The personal project started from conversations with friends who wanted to grow their own food but don't have access to outside space to garden and was disappointed that their plants kept dying. I researched and interviewed my parents, who have a huge garden in South Carolina and give their extra produce to their community, about the best ways for someone interested in gardening to get into it and how can someone with a small space grow food.
The Name
the name INGROWN comes from how carrots and other vegetables grow under the ground like an ingrown hair. The name showcase the importance of the underground growing part of the process of gardening.
Surely plant owners realize that caring for plants doesn’t come naturally for everyone. Among plant owners, almost 50% agree that the most difficult part of caring for their plants is remembering to water them enough. 
The Goal
INGROWN wants to educate Generation Z on how to grow their own produce.
 INGROWN wants to build lifelong connections with its customers by giving advice from professionals on how to keep plants alive.
The Research 
National Gardening Association, plant statistics survey, conducted in 2021 found that younger gardeners’ interest in plants is mainly driven by growing food and having common activity among families. While older gardeners are mainly driven by the beauty aspect plants provide and to get some physical exercise.
This information impacted my decision to focus the brand on younger generations.
The Kit
INGROWN wants to teach customers how to grow their own produce with kit built for specific plants and plant bundles. every kit includes seeds of in-season produces, instruction on your future treats, and soil mixes (made for specific produces).

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